Monday, December 13, 2010

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I want to be a......Psychologist!

Kitten A to Kitten B, "So what do you reckon you will be when you are all grown up?"

Kitten B replies, "I hope to be a feline that for once, is able to help my master to fend off bad guys...You know, like a house dog, being all big and fierce. But with all the stereotype out there about cats and kittens, you and I both know what I'll become."

Kitten A nods in agreement, "To be honest, I never really gave a thought about it. All these talking is definitely zapping the energy out of me, I wanna have some fun. Pass that wool ball to me!"


The scenario above with the two talking kittens is getting strikingly common in the world of animals, but this can be said as well as to the world of humans. This may sound so normal to you as if this is a mantra for parents to nag their kids, but it is the truth - Teenagers do not have an ambition at all! The fact that this "abnormaility" prevalence rate is so high, psychologists should include it into their insanely abnormal long list of disorders.

Oh wait, did I just mention "Psychologists"? What are they? Psychologists, they sound so, serious. If you don't know already, my latter question isn't exactly asked in that polite manner. They come in form of "Are you trying to read my mind, you !", "Why are doing this to me?" and "Get out of my head!".

However, due to public misconception about psychologists does make life a tad more wonderful for psychology degree undergraduates. So, how is that the case?

1)You will get a lot of stares - as if you have just said the most unbelievable thing in the whole wide world - after you told them what you are studying. Well, who ever say being able to amuse is free?

2)Your friends will think you are such a smarty pants. Fact 1: Psychology undergraduates have high intelligence. Tee Hee.

3)Bigots are scarce in your friend list. For obvious reasons, they don't like psychologist/psychology undergraduate as they couldn't make a case for themselves as they would be left looking stupid in front of a psychologist/psychology undergraduate. Refer to Fact 1.

There are many more, though, since those above are the most common. Even so, why are there still any sane person taking up psychology degree? Well, you see, not everyone is good with numbers (Economist); not everyone is good with words (Lawyer); and certainly, not everyone is good with music(Artiste), such as the case of Mr. William Hung.

So this makes psychology a fall back plan if all above doesn't meet a person's qualities? The answer is "No" as many successful people studied psychology, but this topic is for discussion another day, another time.

Even kittens will deviate from the norms, to go their own paths with an ambition - something every human should have. Perhaps more kittens will become a house guard. Perhaps more teenagers will start having an ambition. Perhaps they will start having a dream for their own betterment. Perhaps more job opportunities will then be available to psychology graduates with employers not wearing a stereotype-tinted glass. And, perhaps...

Monday, December 29, 2008





Likability (喜欢):



案例一 只限今天
店门口摆着“大清货,所有物品均折扣高达70%”,然后大大个字写着“只限今天!” 然后店门口就会聚集满满的叔伯阿姨在那里你争我夺,原本低迷的生意也会被这群热血澎湃的消费者给大大地提升了。原本没什么想买的东西,也会因为“机会难得”这个挡箭牌,让自己大掏腰包,买了“唔等使”的东西。
这称之为“deadline technique”,意指这样的大倾销是会结束的,于是制造了人们怕输的心态,唯恐自己捡不到便宜货。殊不知,在很多情况下,“结束的那一天”实际上都不会来到。这只是为了增高生意额所做出的烟雾弹而已。

案例二 最后一件
这在心理学里称之为“playing hard to get”,意思是说这东西很珍贵,即使你不要,还有一大堆人等着买。



Baron, R., Branscombe, N., Byrne, D. (2008). Social Psychology.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yes I can read YOUR mind --- myths in Psychology

Myth 1 心理学家能够猜透你的心







Myth 2 心理学家只接见神经病的人





